Corporate Social Responsibility

KLEEMANN has a long-standing commitment to corporate responsibility. Sustainable development and responsible business behavior is part of our corporate culture.

Our key goals include improving and maintaining the quality of our products and services, creating growth opportunities for our employees, providing an excellent working environment, ensuring the safety and health at work, reducing our environmental footprint, supporting and encouraging our bonds with local and wider communities.

The principles of corporate responsibility towards people, society and environment are integrated in our business strategies, administrative practices and encourages the communication with our stakeholders. KLEEMANN operates under the five main axes of corporate responsibility.

We grow and excel

because we place people at the heart of our corporate culture

We are committed to our Vision

Having built a strong brand name in the sector, at KLEEMANN we retain a respected position among the best lift suppliers around the world. We constantly innovate, grow, develop and improve, staying in tune with our global character.